Get involved as an Active Member of VELOVE

If you are passionate about bikes and keen to share that passion with others, we would love to have you in the VELOVE team. You do NOT need prior mechanical knowledge or to be the fastest rider on the road. All that matters is that you are motivated towards our mission to get universities cycling.

How to get involved

Complete the registration form for the workshop you are interested in to sign up for an Introduction Session where we will explain more about the goals and visions of VELOVE, as well as describe what becoming part of the Active VELOVE team involves, for instance by running the Velowerkstatt and our other activities. And of course we will show you what benefits and exclusive offers you get in return for contributing your time and enthusiasm to building the VELOVE biking community.

What exactly is an active member?

As an active member, you are expected to volunteer in the workshop during regular opening hours at least eight hours per year, assisting visitors in using the tools to fix their bikes. There are usually at least two helpers in the workshop so you can sign up for sessions with more experienced members if you’re unsure about your skills. An extra benefit for you is that you can access the workshop any time you want and get discounts on bike parts.

But I do not know enough to run the Velowerkstatt?

If you are excited to help but feel uncertain about your mechanical knowledge, this is totally fine! You will learn a lot by helping others and experienced volunteers are always happy to share their knowledge. There are also other areas you can contribute in, like leading social rides or organizing bike-related events. You will easily find like-minded people to collaborate with in our community.